7 ways for pregnant women to exercise

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Due to the belief of many Thai people, they are afraid that pregnant women will miscarry, so they urge pregnant women to sit still and not have to get up and do much. But in reality, pregnant mothers can exercise, just by choosing the type of exercise and the appropriate amount of force used. What can you do? สมัคร ufabet! Health has the answer.

1. Yoga

It helps mothers relax, concentrate, and strengthen their muscles and increase their flexibility. It also helps reduce pain during childbirth.

2. Swimming

Because water supports the body, the movement of organs is smooth, reducing impact or tearing of muscles by almost 100%. Swimming can also be used as exercise for infants and the elderly. And let me tell you that the muscles that are built from swimming are stronger, fitter, and firmer than you think.

3. Aerobics

Mothers who used to do aerobics regularly can still dance without any problems. Try to choose basic moves that don’t put too much emphasis on the abdomen, or dance to music that isn’t too fast. Rest when you’re tired. You don’t have to go as far as T25. Just lift your arms and legs, rotate your waist slowly, and hold a 1-2 kilo dumbbell. That’s enough.

4. Cycling

Let me emphasize that these are fitness bikes only. During this time, don’t grab a mountain bike, hipster bike, or even a housewife’s bike to go shopping. Because no matter how strong your bike is, you might trip and fall. But if you want to exercise your legs, you can ride a bike in the fitness center. It’s definitely safe. Or if you’re not a fitness member, you can lie down and ride a bike in the air on a mattress.

5. Weight lifting

I recommend only mothers who exercised regularly before pregnancy. It’s not like you’ve never lifted weights before, but suddenly after pregnancy you start lifting weights. You can actually try lifting weights with light weights, but if you’ve never lifted weights before, I’d recommend lifting dumbbells first. However, lifting weights will help mothers have strong muscles, make childbirth easier, and help them recover faster.

6. Take a walk

This is an easy way that has many benefits and is also suitable for mothers who don’t normally exercise much. Try walking for half a kilometer, taking long strides, keeping your back straight, and looking straight ahead. You can walk normally or take your dog for a walk. I guarantee that you’ll get some exercise, sweat a little, improve blood circulation, and help with digestion. Most importantly, your mood will improve a lot. It’s even better if you walk in the morning or evening.

7. Dancing

For moms who love to dance and have a talent for ballroom dancing, try playing your favorite music and then bring your dad to the dance floor at home. You should choose a rhythm that is not too fast. You don’t have to shake your body too hard or sway like you’re going to compete somewhere. Just step or spin lightly. In addition to exercising and relaxing while listening to music, you’ll also get smiles and laughter and strengthen your family bond even more.