Caring for a healthy uterus

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Nowadays, our health and body are important. The “uterus is considered an important organ for women. Therefore, we should not overlook taking care of the uterus to make it strong. Let’s learn the secrets to taking care of the uterus to make it strong.

1. Take care of your health and keep it strong.

The uterus is an organ of the body. If the body is healthy, blood will be able to circulate to nourish it fully, making the uterus strong. Taking care of your health to be strong, such as taking care of your weight to be in the standard range, not too thin or too fat, getting enough sleep, eating all 5 food groups, especially vegetables and fruits, drinking 8 glasses of clean water a day, สมัคร ufabet and refraining from drinking alcohol and smoking.

2. Take care of your mental health.

Stress causes abnormal uterus. Because the hormone system is abnormal, menstruation is irregular. There are many ways to reduce stress, such as knowing how to accept things, looking at the world in a positive way, laughing every day, living a simple life, saving money, being satisfied with what you have, forgiving others, and having a purpose in life.

3. Exercise regularly.

It improves immunity, strengthens the heart and lungs, and pumps blood to various parts of the body. It helps prevent uterine inflammation and low uterus. You should exercise regularly, such as cycling, swimming, jogging, aerobics, yoga, etc., at least 4 days a week, for about half an hour each time.

4. Be careful of sexually transmitted infections.

Sexually transmitted diseases cause vaginal discharge, lower abdominal pain, fever, uterine inflammation. Even after treatment, there will still be pain in the uterus, menstrual pain, chronic vaginal discharge, fever during menstruation, no pregnancy or ectopic pregnancy. Avoiding infection with sexually transmitted diseases is one important thing to keep the uterus healthy. Therefore, condoms should be used every time with someone you don’t know, don’t understand, or are not sure about.

5. Tighten your hips regularly to exercise your hips.

Kegels are contractions of the pelvic floor muscles (like holding in feces or urine). The method is to hold the contractions for a count of 1-5, then relax. You can do them continuously or divide them into 20-30 sets. This will strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and prevent the uterus from lowering.

6. Do not lift heavy objects.

Lifting heavy objects causes the uterus to lower and causes impact on the bladder. If you must lift heavy objects, you should urinate first.

7. Regular physical and internal examinations.

Even if we are healthy, we should have regular physical check-ups to detect diseases in the early stages. Diseases affect the uterus to some extent, such as diabetes, which can cause uterine inflammation, infection, and fungus. Other chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, thyroid disease, liver disease, and kidney disease can cause heavy or irregular menstrual bleeding. Internal examinations can also diagnose and treat inflammation and infection in the vagina and cervix, which can cause the uterus to become unhealthy. It can also diagnose and treat abnormalities of the uterus early on, such as benign uterine tumors, benign uterine tumors, and endometriosis, before ending with a hysterectomy.

8. Do not regularly take herbs, female hormones, or supplements that contain female hormones without consulting a doctor.

Since the uterus is an internal female organ that is very sensitive to hormones, taking female hormones increases inflammation of the uterus, causing the uterus to grow, tumors, uterine enlargement, and endometrial cancer, all of which are causes of a bad uterus, which may result in the inability to have children and the uterus may need to be removed.