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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

Caring for a healthy uterus

Nowadays, our health and body are important. The “uterus“ is considered an important organ for women. Therefore, we should not overlook taking care of the uterus to make it strong. Let’s learn the secrets to taking care of the uterus to make it strong. 1. Take care of your

7 ways for pregnant women to exercise

Due to the belief of many Thai people, they are afraid that pregnant women will miscarry, so they urge pregnant women to sit still and not have to get up and do much. But in reality, pregnant mothers can exercise, just by choosing the type

Dental health and tartar from food One cause of bad breath

Dental health and tartar from food One cause of bad breath. Eating too much, eating aggressively, besides making you fat. If you don’t take good care of your mouth May cause plaque. That is the cause of other gum and tooth disease problems. Take care

7 easy ways to start lose fat 

7 easy ways to start lose fat  Fat is an essential nutrient for health and a source of energy storage. 70 percent of the energy stored in the body is fat in adipose tissue. This is because fat is an important component of cell walls.

How to exercise for 10 minutes or more?

How to exercise for 10 minutes or more? According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 1 in 4 adults worldwide still do not have enough physical activity, that is, less than 150 minutes/week. This insufficient physical activity It is the cause that leads to

Benefits of roses Flowers symbolize love and help good health.

rose extract  It has anti-septic and anti-bacterial properties and can prevent wrinkles. It also prevents skin irritation. Therefore, it is commonly use in products in both the Toner and Moisturizer groups to restore damage skin cells to health. ( roses Flowers ) In addition, rose extract still rich Substances that are

Relaxing spa massage Great benefits that must experience

A skin spa is to clean the skin. and add nutritional supplements to nourish the skin deep into the inner layers There are various methods that are different, such as doing a skin spa with massage, scrubbing, steam or masking. These methods, if done on